Career Day 2018

Keynote speaker David Kennedy '89 speaks to the Class of 2019.

On Wednesday, October 10, Regis hosted its second annual Career Day for the senior class. That morning, alumni from many different fields and career paths returned to speak with students about the kind of work they are currently doing.

The event kicked off with a talk from keynote speaker, David Kennedy '89. He spoke to the seniors about his experience as a lawyer in the United States Attorney's Office. In his speech, he encouraged the students to remember the lessons Regis taught them, and reminded them that they could be 'Men for Others' in any career they chose.

"It is always great to come back to Regis," Mr. Kennedy said. "In some ways I'm the worst Career Day speaker, in that I've had very few twists and turns in my career. But the reason for that is because Regis formed me as a person so thoroughly that I'm still on the public service path that Regis set me on nearly thirty years ago. I encourage the seniors to reflect upon and hold onto their youthful idealism as much as they can to live their lives as Men for Others."

Afterward the keynote speech, students had the opportunity to go to three panel sessions, choosing between six fields. In these panel sessions, students were able to hear Regis alumni talk about their careers. Afterwards, the students were able to ask questions, and learn more about what each of these careers has to offer. "Talking with the various alumni truly opened my eyes to the plentiful opportunities available for us once we leave Regis," senior Duncan Barcelona said.

"It provided us a chance to look at the real path Regians took through college and towards their ultimate career," his classmate, Kyle Kampta, added.

"I thought career day was a good way to hear about what kinds of work people do in specific industries, but also to hear what impact their Regis education had on each of the speakers," senior Terence Coyne said. "It was also a powerful reminder of how strong the Regis network is, and how valuable it will be to connect with other Regians in the future."


Greg Pitaro '82, Erich Anderer '93, Chris Bandera '06, David Capiola '93, and Michael Spinelli '95 were on hand to talk with students about their careers in medicine. 

Todd Cosenza '91, John Conlon '81, Daniel Friel '08, and Matthew Weingast '06 spoke with students about a career in law.

Students listen attentively as Andrew Marconi '09, Conor McKeweon '07, and Zach Garippa '08 enlighten them about careers in the technology industry.

George Limbach '71, Joe Sciabica '90, Greg Liguori '07, and Richard Brockmeyer '97 were on the panel for careers in finance.

Thomas McKenna '09, Pat O'Keefe '97, John Martin '70, and Tom McGeveran '90 talk to students about their experiences in Media and Journalism.

Rob Basile '03, Benjamin Singleton '09, and Adam Bermudez '01 discuss their careers in Public Service and Government.

Posted: 10/12/18
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