In May of 2018, the Regis High School Board of Trustees approved the first strategic plan in the school’s history. The plan identifies strategic priorities across several important areas of school life. These priorities will guide the school’s efforts over the next 5 years, bringing us to 2024, or the end of the first decade of the school’s second century.

View the Strategic Plan



Here is the letter from Regis President, Fr. Lahart, and Chair of the Board of Trustees, Pete Labbat ’83, which details the process and expresses gratitude for the many people involved in this process:

Dear Friends,

In the fall of 2017 we undertook the first comprehensive strategic plan in the history of Regis High School. Having celebrated our Centennial in grand style, we knew it was important to seriously consider what the future of Regis could best be.

Assembling a diverse group of over 125 faculty and staff, alumni, parents, alumni parents, Jesuits, and friends of Regis, we formed eight Task Teams which met over the course of three months:

• Academic Life & Technology
• Global Citizenship
• Admissions & Enrollment
• Facilities
• Spiritual Life
• Financial Affairs & Engagement
• Student Life

During the fall we also held Town Hall meetings for our various constituency groups—alumni, parents, alumni parents, students, and faculty and staff. Additionally, we sent out an electronic survey which over 3,000 people completed in a week’s time. The input from these sources flowed back to the Task Teams who completed their work in December.

The Steering Committee, consisting of the chairs and co-chairs of these Task Teams along with the Regis principal, Dr. Gary Tocchet, and us, continued to meet in order to synthesize the work of the Task Teams. The result of that work follows.

We are grateful to the thousands who participated in this process, especially those on the Task Teams. We are confident that the good work accomplished will have a lasting impact on this school which we love so much, and which we hold in trust for generations of young men who, like those who have gone before them, are the beneficiaries of the gifts of the Foundress and her family. We are confident that the Foundress and Father Hearn would be proud of who Regis is today, and share our excitement about her future.

Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, President
Peter Labbat '83, Chair, Board of Trustees


Posted: 1/17/19
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