A Record-Breaking Giving Tuesday!

Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our alumni, families, and friends, Regis held a record-breaking Giving Tuesday campaign this week in support of the 2020 Annual Fund: Transforming Lives.  

While gift processing is ongoing, the Regis community made more than 950 gifts and pledges to the school, resulting in more than $615,000 generated for the Annual Fund, the stream of income that covers a majority of the school’s operating budget. Both the number of gifts and the total amount raised significantly outpaced our previous Giving Tuesday efforts. 

"I am continuously overwhelmed and filled with gratitude by the incredible generosity of our alumni, families, and friends,” Annual Fund Director Caitlin Devine Masserano said. “For the fifth year in a row, our Giving Tuesday campaign has broken records, and each gift truly makes an impact on the formation of Men for Others here at Regis. We are very grateful."

This year’s Giving Tuesday campaign featured several challenges and giveaways that helped rally support. All those who donated $100 or more, as well as all new donors who made a gift of at least $20.20, will receive a commemorative Giving Tuesday coin. It features the iconic Regis front doors on one side, and words from the Regis alma mater on the other. 

All current parents who made a gift of any size drafted their sons to participate in an upcoming Regis version of a recent viral video craze. Alumni rallied behind a challenge to give to reopen the legendary Regis tunnel, allowing current students to enter the school -- for one day only -- in the same manner that their predecessors did. And many in the Regis community enthusiastically gave for the cause of sending more than 20 of our beloved faculty and staff, including Fr. Lahart and Fr. Andreassi, to JUG. 

Regis donors clearly enjoyed the spirit of these challenges, as demonstrated by comments on social media as well as those  accompanying online gifts. “Bring back the tunnel!” wrote one alumnus. Another commented on Facebook that: “Father Neville assigned me permanent JUG. He knew that I would screw up something every day.” One former faculty member seemed particularly excited at the idea of earning JUG for a former colleague, writing: “I want to see [Mr.] Grunner go immediately to JUG!”

A number of Giving Tuesday participants also submitted heartfelt notes of gratitude for Regis’ life-transforming mission. One alumnus shared on Facebook: “Always glad to give back to those who have given me so much. #noblehearts.” Regis is profoundly grateful for your ongoing support of the school on Giving Tuesday and throughout the year. Thank you!


Mr. Grunner '05 and more than 20 of his faculty and staff colleagues bravely stepped up to serve JUG if Regis received enough gifts on Giving Tuesday.

The Regis community made more than 950 gifts and contributed more than $615,000 — both Giving Tuesday records.

The Regis tunnel will reopen for one day, allowing current students to follow in the footsteps of generations of alumni who entered the building each morning through the tunnel.

On behalf of the Regis student body and faculty and staff, thank you so much for your generosity!

Posted: 12/5/19
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