An Important Message From Regis

The following letter from Interim President Christian Talbot '93 was shared via email with the Regis community on Tuesday, November 16. 

Dear Regis Community,

Every weekday, before the sun rises, our landmark building on 84th Street comes to life. Our maintenance staff arrive first, preparing our classrooms and offices for the day ahead. Faculty soon follow to meet with students, grade papers, and finish lesson plans before the first class. In all, 97 adults devote themselves each day to the education and formation of 533 young men in the Jesuit tradition. We have our individual responsibilities but collectively we ensure that Regis lives up to the standard of excellence that has defined it for more than a century. 

For almost two decades, Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, has been an integral member of this collective, serving Regis in a variety of roles: a teacher of History, Theology, and Economics; Theology Department Chair; Archivist and author of the history of Regis’ first 100 years; Director of Christian Service and Campus Ministry; and, for the past four years, Principal. Given his immense contributions to the school, I am very sad to report that Fr. Andreassi recently informed me that the 2021-22 academic year needs to be his last at Regis.

As many of you know, Fr. Andreassi has been “on loan” to us from his religious community, the Oratory. Given recent changes at the Oratory community in Brooklyn, he has been asked to devote his full-time attention to the care of its two parishes as soon as possible. I asked him—begged him, actually—to delay his transition, but the Oratory’s needs are pressing. We always knew that a day could come when his community’s priorities diverged from ours, but I’m sure I speak for many when I say that I wish his tenure at Regis could last longer. 

For many reasons, Fr. Andreassi’s departure in July 2022 will represent a great loss for Regis. Nevertheless, he and I and the rest of the Leadership Team have begun to consider succession planning. Our next step will be to consult our community about the kind of leader who will support the growth and development of the community while also partnering with the President and Board to advance the goals of the strategic plan. We will eventually draft a job profile, which we will share broadly. The search for Regis’ next Principal will follow on the heels of the ongoing search for our permanent President. The permanent President will select Fr. Andreassi’s successor.  

For now, please join me in thanking Fr. Andreassi for his leadership to date and for the great work we know he will do through the remainder of this school year. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for all you do for Regis. 


Christian Talbot '93 Interim President


Posted: 11/16/21
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