A Special Announcement from Regis High School

Below please find two letters being shared with alumni, family, and friends of Regis High School.
Regis High School
The Office of the President
23 May 2014
  To the Regis Community,

I hope all of us are enjoying the celebrations of the Regis centennial. Reflecting on our history and accomplishments leaves us with much to be grateful for and a real legacy to live up to in the years ahead. In many ways, celebrating a centennial helps us look to a new century. I have been very proud to have a hand in crafting these celebrations and look forward to the ones ahead. As we step into the next academic year, I am also conscious that it will be my tenth year as President of Regis. After conversations with the Jesuit Provincial and our Board Chair, I believe that ten years is a good number to round out a presidency. So, I announce to the community what I told our trustees last evening: I will step down from leadership at Regis in June of 2015. This will allow the Board sufficient time to carry out a search for my successor.

It has been a tremendous privilege to serve as the leader of the school from which I graduated and where I had my first teaching assignment after ordination. In so many vital ways, Regis has not changed at all in serving its basic mission: educating bright Catholic boys for leadership in service, particularly those who could not otherwise afford a Catholic education. Regis is indeed well-poised to enter into a second century of service to the Church and our society.

I am sure that Peter Labbat '83, the Chair of our Board, will provide periodic updates on the search for the 22nd president of Regis. I look forward to assisting as appropriate, but even more to returning for next year's second half of our centennial celebration. Thank you for all you do for the Regis community and for your support during these past years.

Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80
(Rev.) Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80

Regis High School
Board of Trustees
23 May 2014
  Dear Members of the Regis Community:

Yesterday, Fr. Phil Judge announced to the assembled Board of Trustees that the upcoming academic year ending in June 2015 would be his last as President of Regis High School. Although we are deeply saddened by the news, his early communication allows us sufficient time to methodically and carefully implement a succession plan and to facilitate an orderly transition.

This Centennial year, our Regis family has so much to be thankful for. We can now add to that long list the exceptional work that Fr. Judge has done to leave Regis in so enviable a position as we near the close of a most energetic first century of educating and sending forth "men for others" into the world. We are eternally grateful to him for his steadfast leadership and, at the conclusion of next year, a decade of selfless and passionate service to our Alma Mater.

As an incoming freshman at Regis High School, I knew Fr. Judge (back then, he was just "Phil") the way most first-years knew the seniors, which is to say, not very well and so I regarded him with a measured dose of fear and respect. Having now served on the Regis Board of Trustees for eight of the last nine years and having worked closely with Fr. Judge during that time, I am pleased to report that the fear has been long gone. However, my respect for his leadership, his talents and his many significant achievements on behalf of the entire extended Regis community has grown immeasurably.

Fr. Judge has presided over Regis with the leadership skill of a businessman and the missionary zeal of St. Ignatius. He has worked tirelessly to strengthen the school's Jesuit and Catholic identity. He has presided over the rapid growth and success of the REACH program which has already offered hundreds of local middle school boys of low-income families the chance to compete for a Regis education as well as attend other top Catholic high schools. He has strengthened Regis' financial position by shepherding two capital campaigns to their conclusion. He has even "greened" our building by installing solar panels and a thriving bee hive on our roof right in the middle of Manhattan. Due in large part to Fr. Judge's efforts, Regis is indeed well-positioned to enter into a second century of service to the Church and our society.

The search for a new President presents Regis and the entire Regis community with a wonderful opportunity -- the opportunity to identify a successor to continue the strong legacy of dedicated, inspired, mission-directed leadership which has been the hallmark of Regis Presidents for the last century.

In the coming weeks, the Board of Trustees will form a Search Committee to pursue the important work of identifying and recruiting such a leader. Over the coming months, we expect to communicate regularly with all of our Regis constituents -- the Jesuit Province, alumni, faculty, administration, parents and students -- so as to keep all parties well-informed of our progress. In the spirit of collaboration, we welcome input from all Regis stakeholders as we engage in what will be an open and inclusive process.

I ask for your prayers that through our collective hard work, we might, with God's help, discern what Regis truly needs and recruit a worthy successor to lead Regis into the next century. I am confident that our efforts will prove fruitful.
Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80
Peter Labbat '83
Chairman, Regis Board of Trustees
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Posted: 5/23/14
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