An Update from the Presidential Search Committee

Below please find a letter being shared with alumni, family, and friends of Regis High School.
Regis High School
Board of Trustees
August 15, 2014

Dear Members of the Regis High School Community:

I hope this summer has so far proven to be a restful and enjoyable one for you and your families. It is hard to believe that we are only a few weeks away from the start of school! Fortunately, there is still time—to make an appearance at the shore, to start that book that you have been anxious to read, to spend time with your loved ones—before fall once more leads us away from our favorite summer pastimes and invites us back to the good work that we do.

The Presidential Search Committee has enjoyed a very productive summer, making preparations for what will certainly be a busy autumn. After a series of interviews with various search firms, we are pleased to report that we have retained the executive search firm of Wickenden Associates to assist us in identifying a new President. A prominent and well-respected name in the field, Wickenden comes highly recommended by a number of Jesuit High Schools and has conducted head of school searches for nearly 300 independent schools across the country over the past 25 years.

The search for a new President, like any important decision, provides an opportunity for reflection and thoughtful discussion. Father Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, recently provided his thoughts on the critical ingredients for discerning God's will and making good decisions: "...seeking God's will is a process of asking ourselves what we really want, what is most important to us and what we desire most fundamentally, the pearl of great price hidden in the field that we give everything to possess...God's will is best found in a group of people, not inside someone's head or individual consciousness...the community is the vital ingredient. You need to have the community to be able to discern. Decision-makers need to be surrounded by people who provide input, who give advice, who suggest alternatives. A community of committed colleagues who work together is necessary."

In the spirit of Ignatian discernment, the Search Committee is eager to begin a discussion to identify the qualities our next Regis President should possess. We have put together a brief confidential electronic survey at We invite all members of our Regis family—parents, staff, faculty, administration, alumni and current students—to please take a few minutes to provide us your perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing our school. In addition, over the next few weeks, the Wickenden team of Jim Wickenden and Jo Butler will spend time visiting Regis and speaking with various constituents. These focus group conversations will provide further insights into the needs of the school and help shape our search.

Thank you in advance for all of your prayers and your assistance. Let us together with great hope and optimism lead Regis forward into a second century of educating men for others.

Peter Labbat '83
Peter Labbat '83
Chair, Regis Board of Trustees

Posted: 8/15/14
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