Regis Serves as Backdrop for Upcoming Movie and Television Scenes

Regis High School served as a set location for a few production crews this past spring and summer. Most notably, famed movie, television, and Broadway actor Alec Baldwin visited the hallowed hallways of Regis in July. Baldwin was on-site to film a Capital One television commercial. Unfortunately, no Capital One Viking sightings coincided with Baldwin’s visit. The theme of the commercial was: "Class is in session with substitute teacher Alec Baldwin. Today's lesson: the perks of Capital One Double Miles." The commercial can be seen in its entirety here.

This past spring, footage for the pilot episode of a CBS television drama titled The Ordained was filmed within the school. The show’s plot revolves around the son of a Kennedy-esque family, played by actor Charlie Cox (Boardwalk Empire), who leaves the priesthood and becomes a lawyer to prevent his politician sister from being assassinated. The cast of the drama includes Sam Neill (Jurasic Park) and Jorge Garcia (LOST). Multiple scenes were filmed within the Regis Auditorium and The Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola. While the pilot was not picked up for this Fall’s television lineup on CBS, it could be picked up by a cable network in the future.

Also this past spring, an upcoming movie titled Straight Outta Tompkins filmed a variety of scenes in classrooms, hallways, and offices throughout the building. The film, written and directed by Zephyr Benson, is expected to be released in late 2013.

Still images from these filmings are provided below.


Alec Baldwin writes on a Regis chalkboard during the filming of a Capital One television commercial. If you look closely, you can see the Regis Quadrangle outside the classroom windows.


Alec Baldwin filmed the commercial alongside a class of elementary school students in a 5th floor classroom at Regis.


Alec Baldwin as a police officer in a second commercial filmed outside the Regis 84th Street entrance.


A peek inside a room built within the Regis Auditorium for a scene from the pilot episode of The Ordained. If you look closely, you will see the familiar Regis Auditorium wall as the backdrop outside the room's doorway.


A classroom scene from the upcoming movie Straight Outta Tompkins

Posted: 9/9/13
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