My Enemy's Enemy: Dr. Frederick Lang '80 and His Innovative Approach to Fighting Cancer

Lang_01The Emmy-winning HBO documentary series "Vice" released a web special last week titled "Vice Special Report: Killing Cancer". The hour-long documentary focuses on cancer therapies that go far beyond traditional chemotherapy. A portion of the film focuses on Dr. Frederick Lang '80 and his innovative approach to cancer treatment.

Dr. Lang, a leader in the field of neurosurgery, uses genetically-engineered cold viruses to strengthen the immune systems of his patients and wipe out cancer cells without damaging the body in the way that chemotherapy treatment traditionally does.

(Pictured: Dr. Frederick Lang '80, left, describing his cancer treatment research to Vice's Shane Smith)

"It starts out at a local place and then spreads through the tumor, until it reaches normal cells," explained Dr. Lang in a 2012 interview with Houston's FOX 26. "When it reaches normal cells, it no longer can replicate and divide."

Embedded below is the full video for the documentary "Vice Special Report: Killing Cancer". The portion highlighting Dr. Lang's work begins at the 17:46 mark.

Lang currently serves as Professor and Director of Clinical Research in the Department of Neurosurgery at MD Anderson. His research includes particular focus on deep seated brain tumors located in eloquent brain regions.

Posted: 3/5/15
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