A Celebration of Jazz at the Final Concert Conducted by Mr. Phillips


Above: Mr. Phillips looks on as the band plays a song in his honor at the conclusion of the 2015 Jazz concert.


On Saturday night, the Regis Jazz Ensemble entertained a packed auditorium with their final show of the year. The musical revue, titled Celebration, featured a variety of hits from the 1970’s and 1980’s including We Are Family, September, and Stayin' Alive.

In addition to being the final show for senior members of the Regis Band and Regis Repertory, it was also the final concert conducted by Mr. Jim Phillips. Mr. Phillips is retiring at the end of this academic year after 31 years of service to Regis as both a teacher and musical director.

Mr. Phillips began his career at Regis in the fall of 1984. His tenure has included numerous years as the chair of the Fine Arts Department, and he has taught a number of courses within that area of study, from Music Appreciation & Theory to Computer Studies. Most notably, though, Mr. Phillips has been involved in decades of Regis Repertory musicals and band performances.

At the show’s conclusion, Lauren Moon '15 was one of two seniors who took a moment to reflect on Mr. Phillips’s dedication to Regis.

"We here in the Rep like to think of ourselves one big happy family. If that is the case, then I suppose it is only right that we think of Mr. Phillips as our father. He nurtures our talent and encourages us to do our best. And whenever we put on a show, he is our biggest supporter and fan."

"Before every show," continued Moon, "he talks to us about how we sound better than most professionals, and while he might be lying to make us feel better, for the one night, we all feel better than most professionals. He always smiles and laughs regardless of how many mistakes we’ve made—and trust me when I say we have made a lot. Mr. Phillips puts everything he has into what he does, and no one can truly replace his drive and determination to make the Regis Rep the best that it can be."

Embedded below is an alumni video tribute that played at the conclusion of the show, along with photographs from the Jazz Concert and the post-show tribute to Mr. Phillips.


Above: An alumni video tribute played for Mr. Phillips at the conclusion of his final concert.



The Jazz Band performing at the final 2015 show on Saturday, May 2.



Five Regis students perform a rousing and entertaining rendition of Stayin' Alive.



Mr. Phillips joins in on the piano as the band plays Sing Sing Sing as a tribute to him.



Mr. Phillips addresses the audience at the conclusion of student and alumni tributes.



Members of the Jazz Band present Mr. Phillips with a few gifts to celebrate his retirement.



Mr. Phillips poses for a photo with members of the Jazz Band.



Mr. Phillips and the 2015 Jazz Band at the conclusion of the 2015 concert.




Posted: 5/5/15
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