Students Ready for Pilgrimage to See Pope Francis in Philadelphia


Above: Fr. Jim Croghan, S.J. leads this morning's congregation in a special prayer for the delegation representing Regis at 2 Philly 4 Francis: Ignatian Pilgrims on the Journey.


2Philly4Francis_Logo.jpgThis morning’s weekly Wednesday Mass in the Regis chapel included an extra prayer before students dispersed to their morning advisement groups. Fr. Jim Croghan, S.J. led the congregation in a prayer for the Regis student delegation about to embark on their pilgrimage to Philadelphia as part of the student conference this weekend to celebrate the historic visit of Pope Francis.

Students from more than 40 Jesuit high schools from the United States, Canada, & Puerto Rico will make this pilgrimage to Philadelphia to take part in 2 Philly 4 Francis: Ignatian Pilgrims on the Journey from September 24-28. Pilgrims will gather at St. Joseph’s Preparatory to learn about, pray, and celebrate their shared Jesuit and Catholic identity

(Pictured: the 2 Philly 4 Francis: Ignatian Pilgrims on the Journey logo)

The pilgrimage will culminate with a walk from St. Joseph’s Preparatory to the Ben Franklin Parkway to celebrate the Eucharist with Pope Francis.

2Philly4Francis_03“A Jesuit hailing from the Western hemisphere, Francis offers a new perspective for the papacy,” said Brennan Lee ’16.

“Now, we as delegates are fortunate enough to really experience the hype. I have high hopes for this trip, and I anticipate Francis will take the United States by storm as he has so many other corners of the world.”

(Pictured: on their journey, the delegation will carry a small booklet filled with prayer intentions from members of the Regis community.)

Zachary Pocchia ’16 is equally excited to be a part of the Regis delegation, and grateful that Pope Francis will focus on the youth.

“By meeting with younger students who are just beginning to understand their faith, I hope that the Pope gains a better understanding of what potential problems can be addressed now that the next generation of Catholics will have to face.”

“I think he will be very open to hearing and even learning from these students,” added Pocchia.

The student delegation representing Regis is Fernando Garcia-Toro ’16, Vincenzo Guido ’16, Brennan Lee ’16, Charles O’Brien ’16, Zachary Pocchia ’16, and Nicholas Wunsch ’16. The group will be led by Fr. Mark Lane, C.O., Director of Campus Ministry, and Ms. Christine Badi, Guidance Counselor. They will depart for Philadelphia at 12:00 noon on Thursday.



Pictured: Ms. Christine Badi, Vincenzo Guido ’16, Fernando Garcia-Toro ’16, Nicholas Wunsch ’16, Brennan Lee ’16, Fr. Mark Lane, C.O., Charles O’Brien ’16, and Fr. Jim Croghan, S.J. Not pictured: Zachary Pocchia ’16.

Posted: 9/23/15
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