What’s News:
Updates From the Office of Development


Pictured: Members of the Reunion Committee of Class of 1966 John Van Name, Dave Flanagan, and Tim O'Connor present Fr. Lahart with a "check" for $406,000, representing the Class of 1966's 50th Reunion Gift. (not pictured: John Nonna)

The 2017 Annual Fund theme is: The Experiment Continues. Our aim is to remind stakeholders that, while Regis is flourishing, the school’s tuition-free financial model relies on the generosity of many.


The Regis Annual Fund hit a record $7 million in 2016, an impressive increase over the $5 million raised in 2015. Giving from alumni, parents and alumni parents all rose at double digit percentages and hit new records. 2017 is off to an excellent start and, with your help, we hope to see the momentum continue.


The Class of 1966 raised a record $406,000 for its 50th Reunion: a record for a reunion class and an all-time, one-year class record. The sum will permit the establishment of a Class of 1966 Scholarship. The Class of 1991 more than doubled its giving over 2015 and generated $106,000 for a 25th Reunion Gift.


Parents of the Class of 2016 raised $320,000 as their Senior Parent Gift. This sum will permit the establishment of a Class of 2016 Parent Scholarship. Across all four class years, current parent participation in the Annual Fund rose to 75% from 66% in 2015.


For 2017, Order of the Owl membership will begin at $3,000. The entry level was last adjusted to $2,500 in 2008 and before that in 2000. Members are invited each autumn to the Deo et Patriae reception. For 2017 we have also introduced a $50,000+ gift level, the Second Founders Circle.


The Regis Fund, which holds the school’s endowment capital, rose to $78 million at June 30, 2016, from $74 million the prior year. Included in the total was a $5.4 million payment from part of a final gift from the Founding Family. A final trust payment of $5.0 million is expected in 2017. In addition, $1 million in Strong to Endure pledges are scheduled for payment this fiscal year.


Membership in the John Francis Regis Society rose to 126 during 2016. Numerous other members have chosen to remain anonymous. Society members have pledged to include Regis in their estate plans. Those intentions include bequests, IRA beneficiary designations, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. Planned Giving plays an important role in building the balance of the Regis Fund.


Some numbers to remember:

$5,000: the cost of educating a middle school boy for one year in the REACH program
$25,000: the cost of educating a Regis student for one year
$100,000: the cost of a four year scholarship to Regis
$300,000: the endowment capital that, combined with a pro-rata share of the Annual Fund, will create a scholarship for one student in perpetuity
$500,000: the capital sum that will fully endow a scholarship for one boy for all time


Thank you for all you do for Regis!

Posted: 12/21/16
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