Be Inspired: The 2018 Annual Fund


As successors to the legacy of generosity established by the Founding Family, the alumni, families and friends of Regis have been the primary supporters of the school for nearly half a century. The mission they support is a singular one—but what inspires those acts of generosity from over 5,000 Regis donors is a story unique to each of them. As we commence the 104th year in the school's history, we hope to underline the importance of the Annual Fund through the voices of those who make the school's tradition of tuition free education possible: the alumni, parents and friends of Regis.

Click here to learn more about the 2018 Annual Fund.

Below is a message from Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, President, announcing the launch of the 2018 Annual Fund.

LahartDear Friends,

When I assumed the presidency at Regis one year ago, I was amazed at what several people called this “100-year-old experiment” of a tuition-free Jesuit education, and how it has endured. The school has never had a very large endowment and in recent decades has relied solely on alumni, families, and friends to provide the resources that allow us to thrive.

This commitment to our mission has led me to marvel at the depth of generosity that our thousands of supporters have shown, and to reflect on what it is that has inspired them. After a year of meeting with countless alumni and their families, I think I know the answer.

Everywhere I have traveled, I have heard again and again from alumni how Regis has transformed their lives. Academically, spiritually, and through friendships that have lasted a lifetime, the school has made them who they are. Regis inspired them, and in gratitude they have been inspired to preserve the gift of Regis for future generations.

These impressions have led us to our 2018 campaign theme: Be Inspired. Over the course of the year, you will be hearing from alumni, families, and friends who will relate how Regis impacted them and how they have been inspired to give in return.

A Regis education can be a life-changing opportunity. Many of our students come from families for whom a private, Catholic education would be only a dream if not for the reality of Regis. Our Annual Fund totals must grow to $9 million, $10 million and beyond for us to continue our mission to serve and inspire these young men.

We hope you can make a contribution to the fiscal 2018 Annual Fund. Your gifts make a genuine impact on the work that we do and the mission that we live. Together we change lives and change the future.

Be Inspired.
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Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ


Posted: 11/1/17
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